Friday, February 15, 2013

Hour One

           So I was inspired reading my good friend Tony Navarro's blog. If you have not checked it out I implore you to do so, but he has undertaken the quest to lose weight and live a healthier life style through a radical vegan diet. He is an overweight guy, trying to make a difference, trying to change something that he hasn't changed in 25 years.
           It got my mind racing profusely. What could I change in my life that mirrors such a seemingly simple but complex habit that has, time after time, hit my wallet, my health, and the people around me. Then the light-bulb moment occurred, QUIT SMOKING! So I have....cough... for exactly 1 hour. I have no cigarettes left, and I am not okay with that, what I am okay with is the fact that I am not rushing out of the door to go buy some new ones. We had a good run camel, we really did. You were an extremely good friend, that was there in times of need. My favorite memory of you is that one time that I got mad, and that other time I drove, when I woke up, after I ate and drank. Do you remember when I was stressed, YOU WERE THERE CAMEL YOU WERE THERE. But God damn am I tired of you. Your more expensive than Harry Hines Hookers, more time consuming than Stairway to Heaven, and smell worst than my chode. I saw you as my mistress. Fun and exciting, but an extremely short term solution to a much bigger issue. I wish things could be different, if you were free and didn't kill me maybe I could still be with you...but alas you are freaking expensive and turn my lungs into something that looks like a baboon's rear. 
             I have tried before, my other attempts were not however, genuine or published. This is it Jeff, times are going to get tough, many rage filled moments are going to occur. But stick to what you know is best for you, and you can persevere. So much more time for activities!

Hour One